1. Sharply Unclear [5:43]
2. The Gift Of Fire (Precursed) [1:44]
3. The Gift Of fire (Talk Turkey) [6:47]
4. You Can’t Want What you Always Get…. [5:57]
5. …If You Haven’t Got It Yet [3:34]
6. -I) Up Ahead [3:30]
7. -II) Continental Drift [3:09]
8. -III) The Twelve [1:35]
9. -IV) Long Light [3:01]
10. -V) Backwards Man [4:06]
11. -VI) As You Were [1:59]
12. -VII) Or So I Said [2:04]
Autor wszystkich utworów: Peter Hammill
Peter Hammill – gitary, klawisze, wokal
Stuart Gordon – skrzypce (1,4,5,6-12)
David Jackson – saksofony (2-12), flet (2-3)
Nick Potter – bas (1,4,5)
Manny Elias – perkusja, instrumenty perkusyjne
Simon Clarke – organy Hammonda (2-3)