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King Crimson - Teksty

   Tu znajdu± się posortowane alfabetycznie wszystkie utwory King Crimson, do których posiadamy tekst. Wystarczy klikn±ć na literze, aby przeskoczyć do odpowiednich tytułów. Strzałka w górę pozwala na szybki powrót do liter. UWAGA! "The Howler" szukajcie pod | H |, a "The Letters" pod | L |, itp., itd.

0-9 | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | S | T | W

0-9 ^

* 21st Century Schizoid Man Tłumaczenie (In the Court of the Crimson King)

B ^

Book Of Saturday (Larks' Tongues in Aspic)

C ^

Cadence And Cascade Tłumaczenie (In the Wake of Poseidon)
Cat Food (In the Wake of Poseidon)
Cirkus (Lizard)
Coda: I Have A Dream Tłumaczenie (the construKction of light)
Coda: Marine 475 (THRAK)
the construKction of light Tłumaczenie (the construKction of light)
* The Court Of The Crimson King Tłumaczenie (In the Court of the Crimson King)

D ^

Dig Me (Three of a Perfect Pair)
* Dinosaur (THRAK)

E ^

* Easy Money (Larks' Tongues in Aspic)
Elephant Talk (Discipline)
* Epitaph Tłumaczenie (In the Court of the Crimson King)
* Exiles (Larks' Tongues in Aspic)
Eyes Wide Open Tłumaczenie (The Power to Believe)

F ^

Facts Of Life Tłumaczenie (The Power to Believe)
Fallen Angel (Red)
Formentera Lady (Islands)
* Frame By Frame Przekład (Discipline)

G ^

The Great Deceiver (Starless and Bible Black)

H ^

Happy Family (Lizard)
Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With Tłumaczenie (The Power to Believe)
Heartbeat Tłumaczenie Nowo¶ć! (Beat)
The Howler (Beat)

I ^

* I Talk To The Wind Tłumaczenie (In the Court of the Crimson King)
In The Wake Of Poseidon (In the Wake of Poseidon)
Indiscipline (Discipline)
Indoor Games (Lizard)
* Inner Garden I (THRAK)
Inner Garden II (THRAK)
Into The Frying Pan Tłumaczenie (the construKction of light)
Islands (Islands)

L ^

Ladies Of The Road (Islands)
Lady Of The Dancing Water (Lizard)
Lament (Starless and Bible Black)
The Letters (Islands)
Lizard (Lizard)

M ^

Man With An Open Heart (Three of a Perfect Pair)
* Matte Kudasai (Discipline)
Model Man (Three of a Perfect Pair)
* Moonchild Tłumaczenie (In the Court of the Crimson King)

N ^

* Neal And Jack And Me (Beat)
Neurotica (Beat)
The Night Watch (Starless and Bible Black)

O ^

One More Red Nightmare (Red)
* One Time (VROOOM) (THRAK)

P ^

Peace - A Beginning Tłumaczenie (In the Wake of Poseidon)
Peace - An End (In the Wake of Poseidon)
People (THRAK)
Pictures Of A City Tłumaczenie (In the Wake of Poseidon)
The Power To Believe Tłumaczenie (The Power to Believe)
ProzaKc Blues Tłumaczenie (the construKction of light)

S ^

Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream (VROOOM) (THRAK)
Sleepless (Three of a Perfect Pair)
* Starless Tłumaczenie (Red)

T ^

Thela Hun Ginjeet (Discipline)
* Three Of A Perfect Pair (Three of a Perfect Pair)
Two Hands (Beat)

W ^

Waiting Man (Beat)
Walking On Air (THRAK)
The World's My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum (the construKction of light)

0-9 | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | S | T | W