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Peter Hammill

The Fall of the House of Usher (1991 / 1999)
Deconstructed & Rebuilt

(Niniejsza, nowa wersja albumu została wydana w roku 1999. Partie perkusji (z pierwszego wydania) zastąpiono gitarami i skrzypcami Stuarta Gordona).

Act One (The road to the House of Usher) Tekst oryginalny
 1. An unenviable role [2:29] 
 2. That must be the House [4:56]

Act Two (Within the House of Usher) Tekst oryginalny
 3. Architecture [3:40] 
 4. The Sleeper [3:19] 
 5. One thing at a time [2:50] 
 6. I shun the light [3:46] 
 7. Leave this House [5:05]

Act Three (Immediately following) Tekst oryginalny 
 8. Dreaming [3:30] 
 9. A chronic catalepsy [3:16] 
10. The Herbalist [3:32] 
11. The evil that is done [3:46]7

Act Four (The Following Morning) Tekst oryginalny
12. Five years ago [3:51] 
13. It's over now [3:32] 
14. An influence [3:18] 
15. No rot [2:27]

Act Five (Dawn the Next Day) Tekst oryginalny
16. She is dead [3:51]

Act Six (Three Days Later) Tekst oryginalny 
17. Beating of the heart [5:20] 
18. IThe Haunted Palace [4:22] 
19. I Dared not speak [2:57] 
20. She comes towards the Door [1:07] 
21. The Fall [3:20]

Opera Petera Hammilla
Libretto: Chris Judge Smith

Peter Hammill - wokal (Roderick Usher), gitary, klawisze
Stuart Gordon - skrzypce
Sarah-Jane Morris - wokal (chór)
Andy Bell - wokal (Montresor)
Lene Lovich - wokal (Madeleine Usher)
Herbert Grönemeyer - wokal (Zielarz)

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