Peter Hammill
Over (1977) (remaster z 2006 r.)
1. Crying Wolf [5:12]
2. Autumn [4:13]
3. Time Heals [8:42]
4. Alice (Letting Go) [5:33]
5. This Side of the Looking Glass [6:57]
6. Betrayed [4:44]
7. (On Tuesdays She Used To Do) Yoga [5:58]
8. Lost and Found [7:11]
9. Betrayed [4:47]
(BBC Peel Session 13.04.1977)
10. Autumn [4:49]
(BBC Peel Session 13.04.1977)
11. This Side Of The Looking Glass [4:11]
(live in Kansas City 16.02.1978)
Autor wszystkich utworów: Peter Hammill
Peter Hammill - wokal, gitary, klawisze
Graham Smith - skrzypce (2,6)
Nic Potter - bas (1,3,8)
Guy Evans - perkusja (1,3,8)
Orkiestra symfoniczna (5)
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