Peter Hammill
Loops and Reels (1983)
Analogue Experiments 1980-1983
1. A Ritual Mask [3:55]
2. Critical Mass [8:18]
3. The Moebius Loop [3:05]
4. An Endless Breath [5:34]
5. In Slow Time [3:29]
6. My Puls [15:43]
7. The Bells! The Bells! [4:09]
Two songs, two dance pieces, four near instrumentals.
Wszystkie utwory autorstwa PH oprócz "In Slow Time" - Hammill/Ferguson.
PH - wszystkie instrumenty (kora, bodhran, chinese drum, shaker,
piano/guitar transduction, loops, organy, manipulation,
syntezatory, guitara, tamburyn, fortepian, rhythm box, wokale.
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