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Pokaż wątki - Sylvie

Sitting Targets (1981)

1. Breakthrough
2. My Experience
3. Ophelia 
4. Empress's Clothes
5. Glue
6. Hesitation
7. Sitting Targets
8. Stranger Still
9. Sign
10. What I did
11. Central Hotel
A Black Box (1980)

1. Golden Promises 
2. Losing Faith in Words
3. The Jargon King
4. Fogwalking
5. The Spirit
6. In Slow Time
7. The Wipe
8. Flight
pH7 (1979)

1. My Favourite 
2. Careering
3. Porton Down
4. Mirror Images
5. Handicap And Equality 
6. Not For Keith
7. The Old School Tie
8. Time For A Change
9. Imperial Walls
10. Mr. X (Gets Tense)
11. Faculty X
The Future Now (1978)

1. Pushing Thirty 
2. The Second Hand
3. Trappings
4. The Mousetrap (Caught In)
5. Energy Vampires
6. If I Could 
7. The Future Now
8. Still In The Dark
9. Mediaevil
10. A Motor-Bike In Africa
11. The Cut
12. Palinurus (Castaway)
Over (1977)

1. Crying Wolf
2. Autumn
3. Time Heals
4. Alice (Letting Go)
5. This Side of the Looking Glass
6. Betrayed
7. (On Tuesdays She Used To Do) Yoga
8. Lost and Found
Nadir's Big Chance (1975)

1. Nadir's Big Chance
2. The Institute of Mental Health, Burning
3. Open Your Eyes
4. Nobody's Business
5. Been Alone So Long 
6. Pompeii 
7. Shingle Song
8. Airport
9. People You Were Going To 
10. Birthday Special
11. Two or Three Spectres
In Camera (1974)

1. Ferret and the Featherbird
2. (No More) the Sub-mariner
3. Tapeworm
4. Again 
5. Faint-Heart and the Sermon
6. The Comet, the Course, the Tail
7. Gog  / Magog (In Bromine Chambers)
The Silent Corner and the Empty Stage (1974)

1. Modern
2. Wilhelmina
3. The Lie (Bernini's Saint Theresa) 
4. Forsaken Gardens
5. Red Shift
6. Rubicon
7. A Louse Is Not A Home

Chameleon in the Shadow of the Night (1973)

1. German Overalls 
2. Slender Threads
3. Rock and Role
4. In the End
5. What's It Worth
6. Easy To Slip Away
7. Dropping the Torch
8. Black Room / The Tower / (In The) Black Room