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Ankiety van der graafowe / Z Jaxonem czy bez?
28 Grudzień 2019, 20:05:30
Takiej ankiety chyba nie było jeszcze.
Moja odpowiedź - z.
Inni wykonawcy / Nowy album Nicka Cave'a
25 Wrzesień 2019, 09:37:29
Nowa płyta Nicka Cave'a and the Bad Seeds "Ghosteen" ukaże się 8 listopada w formacie LP i CD.

Natomiast na YouTube 3 października o godzinie dwudziestej trzeciej polskiego czasu.

Lista utworów:

Part One
1 Spinning Song 4:44
2 Bright Horses 4:53
3 Waiting for You 3:55
4 Night Raid 5:08
5 Sun Forest 6:48
6 Galleon Ship 4:15
7 Ghosteen Speaks 4:03
8 Leviathan 4:48

Part Two
1 Ghosteen 12.10
2 Fireflies 3:23
3 Hollywood 14:12
VdGG & PH / Nowa płyta VDGG w 2020...
11 Czerwiec 2019, 10:40:23
Za grupą fanów PH na yahoo:

In the German magazine "GoodTimes" there is a piece on the Aerosol box + e-mail interview with PH.

On the question:
"What can we expect from Van der Graaf in the future?"

PH answers: "Hopefully a new album next year. But, as always with us: "Nichts Genaues weiss man nicht".
That latter translates a bit like "One doesn't know nothing exact" (it's that "wrong" in German too :-) but a commonly used phrase)
Inni wykonawcy / Tool (nowy)
09 Maj 2019, 16:27:45
30 sierpnia (tego roku oczywiście) ma się ukazać nowy album Tool... trochę się naczekaliśmy...

Pod koniec maja ma wyjść nowy album XIII. Stoleti "Frankenstein":
1. Frankenstein (Mary Shelley requiem)
2. Nový věk temnoty (Pandora version)
3. Faust (dark alchemist version)
4. Karneval (gothic machine edit 2019)
5. Chaotica
6. Fénix (nostalgia edit)
7. Bohové na strojích (Hindenburg - der rotte baron version)
8. Evropa (illuminate version)
VdGG & PH / In Amazonia
11 Marzec 2019, 20:19:41
The Isildurs Bane & Peter Hammill album In Amazonia will be out in May on CD and limited edition gatefold LP on green vinyl.
Composed by Mats Johansson & Peter Hammill
VdGG & PH / Box "Not yet, not now"
13 Luty 2019, 18:52:58
Nowy koncertowy box Hamilla ma wyjść 29 marca 2019:
Kalendarium VdGG i PH / 70-tka Hammilla
05 Listopad 2018, 08:09:10
Im starszy tym lepszy. Peter Hammill dziś kończy 70 lat!  0=0
Dyskusja hammillowa / Koncerty PH w 2019
29 Październik 2018, 21:05:53
Uporządkuję (doszedł jeszcze koncert w Grecji):
2.03 Warszawa, Mała Warszawa
3.03 Kraków, Club Studio
8.03 Ateny, Gagarin 205 Live Music Space.
Zgodnie z tematem. Jako, że na razie nie słychać by jeszcze w bieżącym roku miały się odbyć koncerty Petera Hammilla zrobiłem małe podsumowanie statystyczne na 2018 rok. W razie czego uzupełnię. Za pomyłki odpowiadam osobiście.

Dziewiętnaście koncertów:

10.03.18 Belgium, Diksmuide, 4AD
12.03.18 Holland, Amsterdam, Het Zonnehuis
13.03.18 Holland, Alphen aan de Rijn, Parkvilla Theater
06.04.18 Sweden, Malmo, Palladium
07.04.18 Sweden, Stockholm, Kulturhuset
20.04.18 England, London, South Bank, QEH
24.04.18 Scotland, Glasgow, Oran Mor
25.04.18 England, Manchester, The Stoller Hall
27.04.18 England, Brighton, St Luke's Church
28.04.18 England, Brighton, St Luke's Church
29.04.18 England, Bristol, Colston Hall, The Lantern
30.04.18 England, Cambridge, Junction 2
21.05.18 Germany, Nuremberg, K4 Festsaal
22.05.18 Germany, Nuremberg, K4 Festsaal
24.05.18 Germany, Dortmund, Piano
25.05.18 Germany, Dortmund, Piano
26.05.18 Germany, Berlin, Quasimodo
27.05.18 Germany, Berlin, Quasimodo
25.07.18 Germany, Breitenbach am Herzberg, Kirche Breitenbach

Lista wszystkich piosenek zagranych wraz z ilością wykonań:

1. After the Show - 3
2. Afterwards - 4
3. Again
4. Amnesiac - 3
5. Anagnorisis - 7
6. Autumn - 3
7. A Better Time - 7
8. Been Alone So Long - 3
9. The Birds - 3
10. Bravest Face
11. Bubble - 4
12. Central Hotel - 3
13. Charm Alone - 3
14. Close to Me
15. The Comet, The Course, The Tail - 7
16. Comfortable? - 5
17. Confidence - 2
18. Curtains - 4
19. The Descent - 8
20. Don't Tell Me - 5
21. Driven - 5
22. Easy to Slip Away - 5
23. Empire of delight
24. Faculty X - 5
25. Favorit
26. Four Pails - 4
27. Friday Afternoon - 4
28. Girl to the North Country
29. Gone Ahead
30. Habit of the Broken Heart - 5
31. Happy Hour - 2
32. His Best Girl - 2
33. House with no door - 2
34. I Will Find You - 3
35. If I Could - 4
36. In the End - 2
37. Just Good Friends - 6
38. La Rossa - 2
39. Labour of Love - 3
40. Last Frame - 5
41. The Lie - 2
42. Like Veronica - 4
43. Losing Faith in Words - 3
44. Meanwhile My Mother
45. The Mercy - 6
46. Milked - 5
47. Mirror Images - 4
48. Modern - 4
49. The Mousetrap (Caught in) - 2
50. My Room (Waiting for Wonderland) - 5
51. My Unintented - 2
52. Nothing Comes - 2
53. Once You Called Me - 2
54. Ophelia - 3
55. Our Eyes Give It Shape - 2
56. Out Of My Book
57. Patient - 6
58. Primo on the Parapet - 3
59. Refugees - 4
60. Reputation - 6
61. Rubicon
62. Second Hand - 2
63. Shell - 6
64. Shingle Song - 7
65. Ship of Fools
66. Sign
67. Silver
68. The Siren Song - 6
69. Sitting Targets - 2
70. Skin - 2
71. Slender Threads - 3
72. Sleep Now - 2
73. Something about Ysabel's Dance - 2
74. Sphinx in the Face - 2
75. Still Life - 3
76. Stranger Still - 6
77. Stumbled - 3
78. Tenderness - 2
79. That Wasn't What I Said - 6
80. This Side of the Looking Glass - 3
81. Time for a Change - 2
82. Time Heals - 5
83. Time to Burn - 4
84. Too Many of My Yesterdays - 7
85. Torpor - 8
86. Traintime - 5
87. The Unconscious Life - 5
88. Undone - 3
89. Unrehearsed - 4
90. Vision - 4
91. A Way Out - 5
92. What's It Worth
93. (On Tuesday She Used to do) Yoga - 6
94. Your Tall Ship - 2
95. Your Time Starts Now

Poszczególne piosenki pochodzą:

z solowych płyt PH:
"Fool's Mate" (1971) - (2) "The Birds", "Vision";
"Chameleon in the Shadow of the Night" (1972) - (4) "Slender Threads", "Easy to Slip Away", "In the End", "What's it worth";
"The Silent Corner and the Empty Stage" (1974) - (3) "Modern", "The Lie", "Rubicon";
"In Camera" (1974) - (2) "The Comet, The Course, The Tail", "Again";
"Nadir's Big Chance" (1975) - (2) "Shingle Song", "Been Alone So Long";
"Over" (1977) - (4) "Time Heals", "This Side of the Looking Glass", "Autumn", "(On Tuesday She Used To Do) Yoga";
"Future Now" (1978) - (3) "The Mousetrap", "If I Could", "Second Hand";
"pH7" (1979) - (3) "Time For a Change", "Faculty X", "Mirror Images";
"A Black Box" (1980) - (1) "Losing Faith in Words";
"Sitting Targets" (1981) - (5) "Stranger Still", "Ophelia", "Central Hotel", "Sign", "Sitting Targets";
"Enter K" (1982) - (3) "The Unconscious Life", "Happy Hour", "Don't Tell Me";
"Patience" (1983) - (5) "Traintime", "Labour of Love", "Just Good Friends", "Comfortable?", "Patient";
"Skin" (1986) - (4) "Shell", "After the Show", "Four Pails", "Skin";
"And Close as this" (1986) - (5) "Too Many of My Yesterdays", "Empire of Delight", "Sleep Now", "Silver", "Confidence";
"In a Foreign Town" (1988) - (1) "Time to Burn";
"Out of Water" (1989) - (2) "A Way Out", "Something about Ysabel's Dance";
"Fireships" (1991) - (3) "His Best Girl", "I will Find You", "Cutrains";
"The Noise" (1992) - (1) "Primo on the Parapet";
"Offensichtlich Goldfisch" (1993) - (1) "Favorit";
"Roaring Forties" (1994) - (1) "Your Tall Ship";
"X my Heart" (1996) - (2) "Amnesiac", "A Better Time";
"Everyone You Hold" (1997) - (3) "Nothing Comes", "Bubble", "Tenderness";
"This" (1998) - (1) "Unrehearsed";
"None of the Above" (2000) - (1) "Like Veronica";
"Clutch" (2002) - (2) "Once You Called Me", "Driven";
"Incoherence" (2004) - (1) "Gone Ahead";
"Singularity" (2006) - (3) "Friday Afternoon", "Meanwhile My Mother", "Our Eyes Give It Shape";
"Thin Air" (2009) - (3) "Undone", "Stumbled", "The Mercy";
"Consequences" (2012) - (3) "That Wasn't What I Said", "Bravest Face", "Close to Me";
"From the Trees" (2017) - 8 "Torpor", "Reputation", "Anagnorisis", "Charm Alone", "The Descent", "Girl to the North Country", "Milked", "My Unintended".

płyt Van Der Graaf/Van Der Graaf Generator:
"The Aerosol Grey Machine" (1969) - (1) "Afterwards";
"The Least We Can Do is wave to Each Other" (1970) - (2) "Out of My Book", "Refugees";
"H to He, who Am the Only One" - (1) - "House with No Door";
"Still Life" (1976) - (3) "My Room", "Still Life", "La Rossa";
"The Quiet Zone, the Pleasure Dome" (1977) - (4) "The Habit of the Broken Heart", "Last Frame", "The Siren Song", "The Sphinx in the Face";
"Vital"/b-side single "Cat's Eye" - (1) "Ship of Fools";
"A Grounding In Numbers" (2011) - (1) - "You Time Starts Now".

Najczęściej grane:

8 razy:
The Descent

7 razy:
A Better Time
The Comet, The Course, The Tail
Shingle Song
Too Many of My Yesterdays

6 razy:
Just Good Friends
The Mercy
The Patient
The Siren Song
Stranger Still
That Wasn't What I Said
(On Tuesday She Used to do) Yoga

5 razy:
Don't Tell Me
Easy to Slip Away
Faculty X
Habit of the Broken Heart
Lart Frame
My Room (Waiting for Wonderland)
Time Heals
The Unconscious Life

Tylko raz zagrane:
Bravest Face
Close to Me
Empire of Delight
Girl to the North Country
Gone Ahead
Meanwhile My Mother
Out of My Book
Ship of Fools
What's It Worth
Your Time Starts Now

Koncerty rozpoczynały się od:
The Siren Song - 6
Easy to Slip Away - 5
My Room - 5
Don't Tell Me - 2
Comfortable? - 1

Afterward - 4
Vision - 4
A Better Time - 2
House with no Door - 2
Modern - 2
Refugees - 2
Again - 1
Primo on the Paraper - 1
Stranger Still - 1
Your Time Starts Now - 1.
Ankiety van der graafowe / "Still Life"
09 Marzec 2018, 09:20:10
Dziś słuchałem sobie 3 płyty z zestawu "Real Time", a wydanej tylko na specjalnej edycji japońskiej i naszła mnie pewna refleksja; mianowicie "Still Life" nie był wykonany jakoś porywająco, Hammill też nie zachwycił wokalnie; jednak mimo wszystko to nie jest łatwa piosenka do wykonania.

Zrobiłem zatem ankietę na temat tej piosenki.
Mam nadzieję, że żadnego oficjalnego wydania nie pominąłem. Nie jestem tylko pewien czy wersja z "Maida Vale" jest tą samą, którą wydano na "After the Flood (BBC Sessions)" w 2015 r. Wydaje mi się, że to jest to samo wykonanie, ale nie mam oryginalnych płyt CD więc na 100% nie wiem. W razie czego prosze o krytyczne uwagi.

Można oddać głos na 2 wersje.

Ja oddaję głos na wersję z "Vital" oraz inną wersję - w tym wypadku chodzi o historyczne wykonanie zawarte na bootlegu "Elvis has left the building – London, Q.E.H 20.02.2003"; był to koncert w duecie ze skrzypkiem Stuartem Gordonem; sam koncert może i przeszedł by bez echa, ale to właśnie tu nastąpiła ta magiczna chwila gdy na bis - czyli "Still Life" - do muzyków dołączają najpierw Hugh Banton (fortepian), David Jackson (saksofon) i Guy Evans (tamburyn). Nastąpiła pre-reaktywacja VDGG – co prawda dopiero w 2005 tak naprawdę zaczęli koncertować i nagrywać, lecz w Londynie mieliśmy ten pierwszy raz.

Zapraszam do głosowania.
16 koncertów

2.03 Café Oto London, England
3.03 Café Oto London, England
4.03 Café Oto London, England
25.10 Haretara Sorani Mamemaite, Daikanyama, Tokyo, Japan
26.10 Coo, Sapporo, Japan
27.10 Pit Inn, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
28.10 Pit Inn, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
29.10 Pit Inn, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
9.11 Rzym, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Italy
10.11 Neapol, Basilica di ASan Giovanni Maggiore, Italy
11.11 Terni, Teatro Secci, Italy
13.11 Chiari (BS), Auditorium Toscanini, Italy
14.11 Milano, La Salumeria della Musica, Italy
15.11 Tolmezzo (UD), Teatro Candoni, Italy
17.11 Livorno, La Goldonetta, Italy
25.11 Halmstad, Kulturhaset, IB Expo 2017, Sweden

Wykaz piosenek zagranych i zaśpiewanych przez PH z ilością wykonań:
1. After the Show - 3
2. Afterwards - 2
3. Again (a capella) - 2
4. Amnesiac - 2
5. Anagnorisis - 4
6. Autumn - 2
7. Been Alone So Long - 3
8. A Better Time - 5
9. The Birds - 2
10. Bravest Face - 2
11. Central Hotel - 3
12. Charm Alone - 4
13. Close to Me
14. Come Clean
15. The Comet, The Course, The Tail - 3
16. Comfortable? - 4
17. Confidence - 2
18. Curtains - 4
19. The Descent - 5
20. Don't Tell Me - 4
21. Driven - 2
22. Easy to Slip Away - 4
23. Empire of Delight - 2
24. Faculty X - 2
25. Four Pails - 3
26. Friday Afternoon - 3
27. Girl to the North Country - 2
28. Gone Ahead - 2
29. The Habit of the Broken Heart - 3
30. Happy Hour - 2
31. House With No Door
32. His Best Girl - 2
33. I will Find You - 2
34. If I Could - 3
35. In the End - 2
36. Just Good Friends - 5
37. La Rossa
38. Labour of Love - 3
39. Last Frame - 5
40. The Lie - 3
41. Like Veronica - 3
42. Losing Faith in Words - 3
43. Meanwhile My Mother
44. The Mercy - 4
45. Milked - 6
46. Mirror Images
47. Modern - 3
48. The Mousetrap - 2
49. My Room - 5 (raz z Isildurs Bane)
50. My Unintended - 4
51. Not For Keith
52. Nothing Comes - 3
53. On Deaf  Ears - 3
54. (On Tuesday She Used To Do) Yoga - 4
55. Once You Called Me - 2
56. Ophelia - 3 (raz z Isildurs Bane i Karin Nakagawa)
57. Our Eyes Give It Shape
58. Out of My Book - 2
59. Patient - 4 (raz z Isildurs Bane i Karin Nakagawa)
60. Primo on the Parapet - 2
61. Refugees
62. Reputation - 3
63. Rubicon
64. A Run ofLuck
65. Second Hand
66. Shell - 3
67. Shingle Song - 5
68. Ship of Fools - 3
69. Sign
70. Silver
71. The Siren Song - 4
72. Sitting Targets - 3
73. Skin
74. Slender Threads - 3
75. Sleep Now - 2
76. Something About Ysabel's Dance
77. The Sphinx in the Face - 2
78. Still Life - 3
79. Stranger Still - 4
80. Stumbled - 3
81. Tango for One
82. That Wasn't What I Said - 4
83. Tenderness
84. This Side of the Looking Glass - 3
85. Time For a Change - 2
86. Time Heals - 4
87. Time to Burn - 3
88. Too Many of My Yesterdays - 3
89. Torpor - 5
90. Touch and Go
91. Traintime - 4
92. The Unconscious Life - 3
93. Undone - 3
94. Unrehearsed - 2
95. Vision - 2
96. A Way Out - 3
97. What's It Worth?
98. What Lies Ahead - 2
99. When She Comes
100. Your Tall Ship - 3
101. Your Time Starts Now

A Song of Fallen Blossoms (z Isildurs Bane i Karin Nakagawa)

Piosenki z solowych płyt PH:
"Fool's Mate" (1971) - (2) "The Birds", "Vision"
"Chameleon in the Shadow of the Night" (1972) - (4) "Slender Threads", "Easy to Slip Away", "In the End", "What's it worth?
"The Silent Corner and the Empty Stage" (1974) - (3) "Modern", "The Lie", "Rubicon"
"In Camera" (1974) - (2) "The Comet, The Course, The Tail", "Again (a capella)
"Nadir's Big Chance" (1975) - (2) "Shingle Song", "Been Alone So Long"
"Over" (1977) - (4) "Time Heals", "This Side of the Looking Glass", "Autumn", "(On Tuesday She Used To Do) Yoga"
"Future Now" (1978) - (3) "The Mousetrap", "If I Could", "Second Hand"
"pH7" (1979) - (4) "Time For a Change", "Not For Keith", "Faculty X", "Mirror Images"
"A Black Box" (1980) - (1) "Losing Faith in Words"
"Sitting Targets" (1981) - (5) "Stranger Still", "Ophelia", "Central Hotel", "Sign", "Sitting Targets"
"Enter K" (1982) - (3) "The Unconscious Life", "Happy Hour", "Don't Tell Me"
"Patience" (1983) - (5) "Traintime", "Labour of Love", "Just Good Friends", "Comfortable?", "Patient"
"Skin" (1986) - (4) "Shell", "After the Show", "Four Pails", "Skin"
"And Close as this" (1986) - (5) "Too Many of My Yesterdays", Empire of Delight", "Sleep Now", "Silver", "Confidence"
"In a Foreign Town" (1988) - (1) "Time to Burn"
"Out of Water" (1989) - (2) "A Way Out", "Something About Ysabel's Dance"
"Fireships" (1991) - (3) "His Best Girl", "I will Find You", "Cutrains"
"The Noise" (1992) - (1) "Primo on the Parapet"
"Roaring Forties" (1994) - (1) "Your Tall Ship"
"X my Heart" (1996) - (3) "Amnesiac", "A Better Time", "Come Clean"
"Everyone You Hold" (1997) - (2) "Nothing Comes", "Tenderness"
"This" (1998) - (1) "Unrehearsed"
"None of the Above" (2000) - (3) "Touch and Go", Tango for One", "Like Veronica"
"Clutch" (2002) - (2) "Once You Called Me", "Driven"
"Incoherence" (2004) - (1) "Gone Ahead"
"Singularity" (2006) - (3) "Friday Afternoon", "Our Eyes Give It Shape", "Meanwhile My Mother"
"Thin Air" (2009) - (3) "Undone", "Stumbled", "The Mercy"
"Consequences" (2012) - (4) "That Wasn't What I Said", "A Run of Luck", "Bravest Face", "Close to Me"
"From the Trees" (2017) - (10) " What Lies Ahead", "Torpor", "Reputation", "Anagnorisis", "Charm Alone", "The Descent", "Girl to the North Country", "Milked", "My Unintended", "On Deaf  Ears"

Piosenki z płyt Van Der Graaf/Van Der Graaf Generator:
"The Aerosol Grey Machine" (1969) - (1) "Afterwards"
"The Least We Can Do is wave to Each Other" (1970) - (2) "Out of My Book", "Refugees"
"H to He" (1970) - (1) "House with No Door"
"Still Life" (1976) - (3) "My Room", "Still Life", "La Rossa"
"World Record" - (1) "When She Comes"
"The Quiet Zone, the Pleasure Dome" (1977) - (4) "The Habit of the Broken Heart", "Last Frame", "The Siren Song", "The Sphinx in the Face"
"Vital"/b-side single "Cat's Eye" - (2) "Ship of Fools", "Mirror Images"
"A Grounding in Numbers" - (1) "Your Time Starts Now"

Koncerty zaczynały się od:
Easy To Slip Away 4
My Room 4
Siren Song 3
Don't Tell Me 2
Nothing Comes
I Will Find You

Again (a capella) 2
Afterwards 2
Vision 2
Still Life
Central Hotel
After the Show
House With No Door
Sleep Now
A Better Time

2 koncerty bez bisu.

Najczęściej wykonywane piosenki (więcej niż 2 razy):
Milked - 6

The Descent - 5
Torpor - 5
Just Good Friends - 5
Last Frame - 5
Shingle Song - 5
My Room - 5

Anagnorisis - 4
A Better Time - 4
Charm Alone - 4
Comfortable? - 4
Curtains - 4
Don't Tell Me - 4
Easy to Slip Away - 4
The Mercy - 4
My Unintended - 4
(On Tuesday She Used To Do) Yoga - 4
Patient - 4
The Siren Song - 4
Stranger Still - 4
That Wasn't What I Said - 4
Time Heals - 4
Traintime - 4

After the Show - 3
Been Alone So Long - 3
Central Hotel - 3
The Comet, The Course, The Tail - 3
Four Pails - 3
Friday Afternoon - 3
The Habit of the Broken Heart - 3
If I Could - 3
Labour of Love - 3
The Lie - 3
Like Veronica - 3
Losing Faith in Words - 3
Modern - 3
Nothing Comes - 3
On Deaf  Ears - 3
Ophelia - 3
Reputation - 3
Shell - 3
Ship of Fools - 3
Sitting Targets - 3
Slender Threads - 3
Still Life - 3
Stumbled - 3
This Side of the Looking Glass - 3
Time to Burn - 3
Too Many of My Yesterdays - 3
The Unconscious Life - 3
Undone - 3
A Way Out - 3
Your Tall Ship - 3
Dyskusja hammillowa / Koncerty Petera w 2018
20 Listopad 2017, 18:48:19
Na facebooku pojawiły się informacje o koncertach Petera w 2018 roku - 12 marca Amsterdam, 24 marca Madryt. Może i do Polski dojedzie...
VdGG & PH / Nowa płyta VDGG na 50-lecie zespołu
18 Listopad 2017, 20:21:08
Przed wczorajszym koncertem w Livorno Hammill powiedział: "Może w przyszłym roku pojawi się nowy album Van Der Graaf Generator".

Dyskusja hammillowa / Hammill we Włoszech 2017
10 Listopad 2017, 16:49:41
Rzym Auditorium Parco della Musica

1. Easy to Slip Away
2. Curtains
3. Time Heals
4. Reputation
5. Faculty X
6. Comfortable
7. Been Alone So Long
8. Central Hotel
9. Driven
10. Charm Alone
11. La Rossa
12. The Lie
13. The Mercy
14. A Better Time
15. The Descent
16. Stranger Still
17. House with No Door

Jak dla mnie fantastyczna setlista.
Dyskusja hammillowa / Peter H. live A.D. 2017
25 Październik 2017, 21:17:38
Pierwszy z koncertów z Japonii:
Peter Hammill Japan tour 2017 Day 1
Live at Haretara Sorani Mame Maite,Daikanyam, Tokyo
25th Oct. 2017, Wed.

1. My Room
2. Too Many of My Yesterdays
3. His Best Girl
4. Losing Faith in Words
5. Your Tall Ship
6. Comfortable?
7. The Birds
8. Driven
9. Charm Alone *Japan Premier
10. Time For a Change
11. Patient
12. A Better Time
13. Silver
14. The Descent
15. The Mercy
16. Stranger Still
17. Afterwards
Inni wykonawcy / Tom Petty - RIP
03 Październik 2017, 10:05:30