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Wiadomości - Natalie

1. Evidently Goldfish - 8
2. Not The Man - 6
3. No Moon In The Water - 9
4. Our Oyster - 10
5. Something About Ysabel's Dance - 7
6. Green Fingers - 4
7. On The Surface - 10
8. A Way Out - 13
 1. Modern - 10
2. Wilhelmina - 8
3. The Lie (Bernini's Saint Theresa) - 14 
4. Forsaken Gardens - 10
5. Red Shift - 10
6. Rubicon - 6
7.  A Louse Is Not A Home - 15
Witam na forum! ;)
To jednak najlepsza płyta Hammilla, z Genialnym Gogiem-Magogiem na czele.
Oto moje oceny:

1. Ferret and the Featherbird - 10
2. (No More) the Sub-mariner - 10
3. Tapeworm - 10
4. Again  - 10
5. Faint-Heart and the Sermon - 10
6. The Comet, the Course, the Tail - 10
7. Gog  / Magog (In Bromine Chambers) - 16