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Zaczęty przez Hennos, 14 Wrzesień 2008, 00:18:35

Poprzedni wątek - Następny wątek

0 użytkowników i 3 Gości przegląda ten wątek.


Singularity "Off All the Mysteries" - zespół wziął mnie na nazwę i się nie zawiodłem; przyjemna muzyka progowa.  0=0
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.


Death "Leprosy" - uwielbiam ten brutalny prymitywizm (w porównaniu z późniejszymi arcydziełami "Sound of Perseverance" i "Individual Though Patterns"), al ei tak to płyta o niebo lepsza od współczesnych jej innych deathowych kapel.
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.


There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.


There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.

Sebastian Winter

VDGG i  "Live In London Imperial College 14.10.1975 ;) [nie]
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

Pawn hearts [ok] [ok] ;) :)- moja ukochana plyta VDGG
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?


VdGG - Undercover

sama płyta i okładka dość ładnie wydana, jakość dźwięku kiepska głównie przez echo i pogłos, muzycznie fajne flety i saxy, trochę zacięcia punkowego w perkusji, niezłe wersje wokalne. Na koniec (no prawie) fenomenalne A Louse Is Not A Home rewelacyjnie wyartykułowane przez Petera   


In the Court of the Crimson King
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.


There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.


U mnie też "Nadir", wcześniej "The Noise" - trochę energii, bo sesja zbliża się do końca, a dzisiaj zaliczony najtrudniejszy egzamin. :)
- Well, young man, when you grow up, what do you want to be?
- Please, sir, if that's alright, I'd really rather like to learn, how to be me.


Areknames "Love Hate Round Trip" (2006) - mocna, ostra, wręcz brutalna gra gitary i organów bardzo przybliża tę muzykę do VDGG; wokalista momentami imituje PH; no i długa to płyta bo aż 78 minut, ale nie nudzi wcale a wcale.  [ok]
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.


There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.


World Record, a potem będzie Black Box.
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.