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Zaczęty przez Hennos, 14 Wrzesień 2008, 00:18:35

Poprzedni wątek - Następny wątek

Tercero i 1 Gość przegląda ten wątek.

Sebastian Winter

Diary Of Dreams - One of 18 Angels (1998) - jedna z klasycznych już dzisiaj płyt tej grupy: syntezatorowo-industrialny, miejscami taneczny gotyk nie pozbawiony jednak egzystencjalnego klimatu- polecam Ceizuracowi
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?


Santana "Santana" (1969) - klasyk latin rocka.
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.

Sebastian Winter

u mnie dwie płyty Petera Hammilla nagrane wspólnie z grupą Isildurs Bane: In Amazonia (2019) i In Disequilibrium (2021) - oba albumy są bardzo dobre choć mi osobiście jednak Amazonia lepiej podchodzi
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

na wieczór ambientowe odjazdy Roberta Frippa:  A Blessing of Tears: 1995 Soundscapes volume 2 (1995)
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

P.J. Harvey - Uh huh her (2004) - gitarowa płyta ze sporą ilością dźwięków w klimacie Lo-Fi i niewielkimi odniesieniami do tradycji amerykańskiego folk rocka
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?


My Dying Bride "The Voice of the Wretched" (2002) - pierwszy album koncertowy zespołu.
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.


Pestilence "Spheres" (1993) - obok debiutu Cynic'a to chyba jedyna niemal doskonała próba połączenia death-metalu z jazzem.
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.


DEVO "Duty Now for the Future" (1979).
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.

Sebastian Winter

u mnie Quasar - The Loreli (1989) - znakomity neo-progres w starym dobrym stylu
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

i dalej Quasar - tym razem Fire in the Sky (1982)
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

takie coś z samego rana: Nirvana – Greatest Hits Broadcast Collection [Live Broadcast] (2024)
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?


Wilczy Pająk "Wilczy Pająk" (1988) - polscy thrashmetalowcy.
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.


Art of Noise "In No Sense? Nonsense!" (1987) - świetny album; kto powiedział, że synthpop ma być z wokalem?
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.

Sebastian Winter

Editors - The Back Room (2005) - bardzo dobry i nieco curtisowski debiut tej grupy która początkowa miała być brytyjską odpowiedzią na sukces Interpolu a później poszła już w zupełnie innym choć równie ciekawym kierunku
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?


Harold Budd & Cocteau Twins - The Moon And The Melodies
...where I trade cigarettes in return for songs