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Zaczęty przez Hennos, 14 Wrzesień 2008, 00:18:35

Poprzedni wątek - Następny wątek

0 użytkowników i 3 Gości przegląda ten wątek.

Sebastian Winter

Panopticom - pierwszy singiel Petera Gabriela promujący album I/O - jak dla mnie rewelacja [ok]

What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

Peter Hammill - This (1998) - przepięknie zimowa płyta- moim zdaniem najlepsze odzwierciedlenie tej pory roku w dziejach muzyki popularnej- choć na dobrą sprawę ani w tekstach ani pod względem dźwiękowym nie ma w tym albumie nic typowo zimowego :) I guess it's just my imagination playing tricks on me...
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

Pink Floyd - Live At The Deutschlandhalle, Berlin, Germany, 18 May 1972
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

Steve Hackett - Genesis Revisited: Live at the Royal Albert Hall (2014) - czyli wielkie klasyki progresywnego Genesis w wyśmienitym wykonaniu- gościnnie usłyszeć można m.in Raya Wilsona i Roine Stolta
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

nikt nic nie slucha- chyba wszystkich pożarł Wielki Cthulhu- u mnie zatem znakomita psychodeliczna grupa H. P. Lovecraft i H. P. Lovecraft II (1968)
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?


Alien Sex Fiend "R.I.P. (A 12'' Collection)".
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.

Sebastian Winter

Yes - Going for the one (1977)
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?


Terje Rypdal - Symphony No. 1

Od kilku tygodni słucham prawie codziennie, coś jak nowa muzyka klasyczna do baletu, bardzo mi się podoba.
...where I trade cigarettes in return for songs

Sebastian Winter

u mnie Collage i Moonshine (1994) - tym razem z remasteru Metal Mind wydanego w 2003 roku
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

Peter Gabriel - III (1980) - w oczekiwaniu na nowy album
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?


The Future Sound of London "Lifeforms" (1994) - całkiem dobry ambient/techno.
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.


The Cult "Sonic Temple".
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.

Sebastian Winter

Sisters of Mercy - Vision Thing (1991)
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?


There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.

Sebastian Winter

nieco klasyki na późne popołudnie: Khan - Space Shanty (1972) - jedyny studyjny album tej legendy sceny Canterbury
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?