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Zaczęty przez Hennos, 14 Wrzesień 2008, 00:18:35

Poprzedni wątek - Następny wątek

0 użytkowników i 2 Gości przegląda ten wątek.

Sebastian Winter

What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?


There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.

Sebastian Winter

What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?


Cytat: Sebastian Winter w 02 Kwiecień 2010, 11:29:05
PSB i Disco ;) [ok]

Jestem pod wrażeniem!  0=0 [ok] :)

"Silent Corner..."
Pink Floyd "The Dark Side of the Moon"
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.

Sebastian Winter

What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?


Cytat: Sebastian Winter w 02 Kwiecień 2010, 11:49:22
Cytat: ceizurac w 02 Kwiecień 2010, 11:38:28
Cytat: Sebastian Winter w 02 Kwiecień 2010, 11:29:05
PSB i Disco ;) [ok]

Jestem pod wrażeniem!  0=0 [ok] :)


dlaczego pod wrazeniem- to bardzo fajna plytka jest ;)

Pod wrażeniem, że słuchasz PSB.  :)
Fajna, fajna.
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.



There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.


Sebastian Winter

Bowie i  Heroes  ;)-  zgoscinnym udzialem Roberta F. [ok]
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?


Death "Symbolic" - arcydzieło
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.


Sebastian Winter

Clan of Xymox i the best of ;)
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?