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Zaczęty przez La Rossa, 25 Sierpień 2007, 23:34:45

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0 użytkowników i 2 Gości przegląda ten wątek.

Sebastian Winter

Cytat: ceizurac w 30 Sierpień 2024, 20:36:558 listopada ma zostać wydany w nowej wersji (m.in. nowy mix Hammilla) album "Incoherence".

nieco podobny układ jak w przypadku ...all that might have been.... - swoją drogą wygląda na to iż PH teraz zajmuję się głównie odrestaurowywaniem własnej muzycznej przeszłości
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?


Cytat: Sebastian Winter w 08 Listopad 2024, 18:42:27nowy wpis PH na temat nowej wersji Incoherence:


O wiele ciekawsze wydają się słowa końcowe tego wpisu - Hammill pracuje nad nowym albumem, który ma być gotowy wczesnym 2025 rokiem.
W końcu...
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.


Na sofa sound Hammill pisze również o swoich koncertach we Włoszech za tydzień oraz Grecji w styczniu 2025. Wydaje się, że to będą pożegnalne koncerty w tych krajach.
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.

Sebastian Winter

Cytat: ceizurac w 09 Listopad 2024, 07:23:01Na sofa sound Hammill pisze również o swoich koncertach we Włoszech za tydzień oraz Grecji w styczniu 2025. Wydaje się, że to będą pożegnalne koncerty w tych krajach.

"I turned 76 a couple of days ago and it's clear that the clock is ticking on the remainder of my live performance life. On the one hand I've never wanted to know (or say) which will be the last show or tour. On the other I've never seen myself as the kind of trouper who'll keep on going until I drop. Never say never, then, but also never say forever.
It's probable, then, although not absolutely certain, that this will be my last turn around the country which I still love and which has meant so much to me both in my career and on a personal level.
So if you're interested in seeing an old goat/show pony go through his bag of tricks and his sackful of songs one last time I do recommend that you get along to one of these shows while I'm still going"

w rzeczy samej wygląda to jak zapowiedz rychłej emerytury przynajmniej pod względem koncertowym
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

pierwszy udostępniony w sieci fragment nowego miksu Incoherence:

What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

podziękowania Hammilla na twitterze:

"What a fantastic tour that was in Italia over the last 10 days.
Great venues and a calm itinerary. Thanks to everyone who came, everyone who organised it"
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

jeszcze jedna recenzja nowej wersji Incoherence
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?

Sebastian Winter

Peter Hammill opuszcza X i przenosi się na Blue Sky:

"I'm not going to be on here any more, either posting or reading. I'm over at bsky under the same name and if you're interested in seeing my posts, or in me seeing yours, I suggest you sign up there.
Goodbye, it's been fun and useful and interesting, sometimes.
But now it's over"
What can I say when, in some obscure way,
I am my own direction?


Cytat: Sebastian Winter w 22 Styczeń 2025, 12:48:59Peter Hammill opuszcza X i przenosi się na Blue Sky:

Link do strony PH na portalu Bluesky znajduje już się na stronie głównej forum w kategorii "Linki i sznurki".
Something makes me nervous,
something makes me twitch...


There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.