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Hammill we Włoszech 2017

Zaczęty przez ceizurac, 10 Listopad 2017, 16:49:41

Poprzedni wątek - Następny wątek

0 użytkowników i 2 Gości przegląda ten wątek.


Siedem koncertów; zagranych/zaśpiewanych 96 różnych piosenek:

9.11 Rzym, Auditorium Parco della Musica
10.11 Neapol, Basilica di ASan Giovanni Maggiore
11.11 Terni, Teatro Secci
13.11 Chiari (BS), Auditorium Toscanini
14.11 Milano, La Salumeria della Musica
15.11 Tolmezzo (UD), Teatro Candoni
17.11 Livorno, La Goldonetta

1. After the Show
2. Afterwards
3. Again (a capella)
4. Amnesiac
5. Anagnorisis - 2 razy
6. Autumn
7. Been Alone So Long
8. A Better Time - 2
9. The Birds
10. Bravest Face
11. Central Hotel
12. Charm Alone - 2
13. Close to Me
14. Come Clean
15. The Comet, The Course, The Tail
16. Comfortable? - 2
17. Confidence
18. Curtains - 2
19. The Descent - 2
20. Don't Tell Me - 2
21. Driven
22. Easy to Slip Away - 2
23. Empire of Delight
24. Faculty X
26. Four Pails
27. Friday Afternoon
28. Girl to the North Country
29. Gone Ahead
30. The Habit of the Broken Heart
31. Happy Hour
32. House With No Door
33. His Best Girl
34. I will Find You
35. If I Could
36. In the End
37. Just Good Friends - 2
38. La Rossa
39. Labour of Love
40. Last Frame - 2
41. The Lie
42. Like Veronica
43. Losing Faith in Words
44. Meanwhile My Mother
45. The Mercy - 2
46. Milked - 3
47. Mirror Images
48. Modern
49. The Mousetrap
50. My Room - 2
51. My Unintended - 2
52. Nothing Comes
53. On Deaf  Ears - 2
54. (On Tuesday She Used To Do) Yoga - 2
55. Once You Called Me
56. Ophelia
57. Our Eyes Give It Shape
58. Out of My Book
59. Patient
60. Primo on the Parapet
61. Refugees
62. Reputation - 2
63. Rubicon
64. Second Hand
65. Shell
66. Shingle Song - 2
67. Ship of Fools
68. The Siren Song - 2
69. Sitting Targets
70. Skin
71. Slender Threads
72. Sleep Now
73. Something About Ysabel's Dance
74. The Sphinx in the Face
75. Still Life
76. Stranger Still - 2
77. Stumbled
78. That Wasn't What I Said - 2
79. Tenderness
80. This Side of the Looking Glass
81. Time For a Change
82. Time Heals - 2
83. Time to Burn
84. Too Many of My Yesterdays
85. Torpor - 3
86. Traintime - 2
87. The Unconscious Life
88. Undone
89. Unrehearsed
90. Vision
91. A Way Out
92. What's It Worth?
93. What Lies Ahead
94. When She Comes
95. Your Tall Ship
96. Your Time Starts Now
There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.


There's the thing, hold it close.
You had your fling. You laid your ghosts.

Time to leave, close the door.
You can't believe you wanted more,
more or less, al for the best
in the end it's al behind you.

There's the thing, for all you know
it's time to let go.